Exploring the Latest Trends in Toothpaste
How keen would you be to use a toothpaste made of ground oxen hooves, combined with bitter tasting yet agreeably aromatic myrrh, eggshells, and cement-like, mildly earth-flavouring
The Revolution Has Begun
(Or The Rise Of The Water Flossers, WaterPiks, And Other Trends In Oral Health Care) Radical thoughts lead to revolutions. Here’s a radical thought – you can damage your gums b
How To Care For Your Teeth (Will Santa Think You’ve Been Naughty Or Nice This Year?)
Santa, apparently, keeps a record during the year, rewarding people according to their behaviour – coal for bad behaviour, a wish list option for good behaviour. There’
Father day is over. Did he get Something To Smile About?
With sincerest apologies to Jane Austen, it is a truth universally acknowledged that the majority of men are, apparently, afraid of the dentist. Why this should be the case is uncl
Your Mouth’s New Year’s Resolution
Christmas and New Year are over. The tinsel and the tree are gone, and everyone is failing dismally at their New Year’s resolutions. What is a New Year’s resolution? It’s the
Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that destroys the attachment fibres (gum) and supporting bone that hold the teeth in the mouth. The main cause is the build up of bacte