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New Dentist for our New Rotorua Branch


Hi,  I’m Eru Mcgregor and I’m very pleased to be joining Kerry and the Team at Team Dentals new Branch in Rotorua.   I grew up and did my schooling up until Intermediate in Kawerau then went to Rotorua Boys’ High.  I played rugby, volleyball and hockey at RBHS but enjoy most sports. Went to Dunedin with the aim to get into dental school, which I achieved, after graduating in 2016 I have been working full time in Auckland.  I am really looking forward to returning home to Rotorua.

Besides sports my other passions are hunting, fishing and diving but also enjoy playing video games with my mates.

I decided I wanted to be a dentist when I was at intermediate, my older sister had braces and when she got them taken off the change in her confidence was amazing to see and I thought that would be awesome to be able to do for other people.

I love dentistry most because I can make a significant impact on someone’s life, by giving them confidence in their smile or by getting them out of pain (which gives me the most job satisfaction by far). I enjoy all aspects of general dentistry with a special interest in oral surgery and aesthetic dentistry.

Every day I strive to be better than before, so that I can give my patients the best care possible.

To book in to see Eru Call Team Dental Rotorua or Request an Appointment.

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