team-dental-services in Christchurch

We’ll make you feel comfortable

Your comfort is very important to us, and we want to make sure
that coming to see us gives you another reason to smile. Team
Dental offers the full scope of dental care regardless of your
dental situation. Our dentists use state-of-the-art technology
which allows us to do our work quickly and safely.

Feeling pain?

If you’re feeling pain or have an urgent cause for concern come
see us right away. Regardless of where you’re based, we’ll do our
best to see you quickly. We offer short lead-in appointment times,
and most of the time we can see you on the same day you call us.

Full cost transparency

Our team will keep you informed so you can make the right choices for your dental care. Although we expect payment on your day of treatment, payment plans and finance options are also available, as well as cover from the government for those who qualify.
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